We’re an alliance of food rescue organisations across Aotearoa. Our members rescue quality surplus kai, ensuring it feeds people, not landfill.

  • Auckland City Mission


    One in five New Zealanders experience food insecurity – they can’t afford enough food and worry about where the next meal is coming from. The Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai believes Aotearoa has enough food for everyone to be well-fed and that nobody should experience food insecurity. More than 40 years ago, we established one of the country’s first food banks, and we’ve been supporting people when they need it most ever since.

    Every year we help feed hundreds of thousands of people with food parcels, along with our network of food partners. We have long believed that while our support providing nutritious food for people experiencing food insecurity is crucial, there is more we can do. We recognise the need for diverse, adaptable, sustainable solutions that resonate with the complex realities faced by individuals and families living with insufficient income to meet their basic needs. We strive to grow a sustainable and life-enhancing ecosystem of food support options for the communities we serve. We are part of the Kore Hiakai collective, with the goal that there is zero hunger in Aotearoa.  Together, we work with other agencies towards meeting that goal.



  • Awhina Taupō Community Foodbank


    Taupō Community Foodbank, part of the Awhina Society, offers essential food support to individuals and families in need across the Taupō region. With a commitment to dignity and care, they provide food parcels and a delivery service, assisting both individuals and community organisations like Women’s Refuge and the local police. The foodbank is sustained by community generosity, with food and monetary donations critical to meeting rising demand. Each Christmas, their “Awhina Angels” campaign brings extra cheer by collecting and distributing gifts to local whānau.


    Awhina Taupō Community Foodbank

  • Christchurch City Mission


    The Christchurch City Mission was launched in 1929 when a few caring volunteers handed bowls of stew to unemployed men at the beginning of the Great Depression.

    Now it’s a social service agency that positively impacts on the lives of 60,000 people a year through its wide range of services. It’s services include providing access to food for people in need through a a pre-packed parcel or a shop through the self-serve foodbank.



  • Fair Food

    Tāmaki Makaurau West Auckland

    Fair Food nourishes the Auckland community by increasing access to fresh food that would otherwise go to waste.

    Volunteers prepare kai from scratch using ingredients collected from supermarkets and food producers.

    Fair Food has been on the road since 2011, and since 2021, they’ve rescued 2,627,428 kilos of kai, which is 7.5 million meals shared through a network of charities.



  • Feeding Rotorua


    Feeding Rotorua set up and facilitates a regional food distribution hub, supplying many local charities and groups. Feeding Rotorua is a Christian based Charitable Trust with people from diverse cultures, different backgrounds and life experiences who have a heart for the broken, the unloved and the hungry. It’s vision is to give hope and encouragement, connecting and improving the quality of life and restoring dignity and value back to the people.



  • Food Rescue Aoraki

    Mid and South Canterbury

    We are Food Rescue Aoraki and we service 42 Organisations throughout Mid and South Canterbury with Rescued Food.

    Our three staff are all part -time and we rely on volunteers to complement our five-day-a-week schedule. We operate from Timaru on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, and service Ashburton on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We rescue approximately three tonnes of food from seven supermarkets and distributors in Timaru and Ashburton area. Our ongoing aim is to reach out to our local Food Manufacturers to supply us with extra donated food which we are currently receiving sporadically.

    Another commitment is to ongoing funding, we have had generous grants this year as we are a startup Food Rescue Organisation. Our goals are to build these relationships further, secure regular funding, and broaden our reach in the Community.


    Food Rescue Aoraki

  • Friendship House, Huntly Community Trust

    Huntly, Waikato

    Friendship House (Huntly) community charitable Trust and The Huntly West Hub offers a range of workshops, craft groups and support for those in the community.We have recently become a fruit and veggie co-op so now offer our community seasonal fruit and veggies at an affordable price. The Huntly West Hub continues torescue food from Woolworths six days a week and two to three days a week from Fresh Choice. We are very fortunate to be able to offer this kai to those in our community.


    Friendship House Facebook Page

  • Gizzy Kai Rescue Charitable Trust

    Tairāwhiti Gisborne

    Established in late 2018, Tairāwhiti based Gizzy Kai Rescue Charitable Trust has a simple vision ‘No Waste, No Hunger’.

    We have rescued over 300 ton of kai rescued to date! We are on a mission to nourish our community and minimise food waste’ by working with local and national rescue kai donors and sixteen plus local community groups.

    We are supported by over 30 wonderful volunteers committing 100 hours of mahi each week.



  • Go Eco Food Rescue (Kaivolution)

    Hamiltion, Waikato

    Go Eco Food Rescue (formerly Kaivolution), established in 2014, converts environmental challenges into social solutions by rescuing and redistributing edible food from supermarkets, orchards, and producers.

    We divert food from waste, reduce greenhouse gases, and collaborate with communities to provide short-term relief from food insecurity in Aotearoa.

    Through partnerships with local organisations and ‘Free-Stores,’ we prioritise low-carbon methods to ensure equitable access while advocating for a healthier environment and thriving communities



  • Good Neighbour

    Tauranga, Bay of Plenty

    Founded in 2012, Good Neighbour seeks to provide practical support to people when life throws curve balls. Through the Food Rescue arm of Good Neighbour over 580 Tonnes of food gets saved from landfill each year and re-directed to over 70 charities and community groups supporting people in need.

    Additionally, Good Neighbour provides practical assistance through our fire wood depot, community gardens, back yard projects, and our Care Team who support people to improve their capacity to enact meaningful change in their own lives. Our overall aim at Good Neighbour is to foster a spirit of cooperation and wellbeing in local communities. By supporting us, you are adding value to people’s lives and making our community a better place.



  • Hope Hub


    Hope Hub is a Levin-based food rescue organisation which aims to reduce food waste and therefore food insecurity in our local community.

    Food is donated by local and national food distributors that might otherwise be sent to landfill. This food is redistributed by us to the Levin community via a ‘freestore’ (Hope Kete) and ‘pop up’ shops and various foodbanks and social agencies in our area as we are the ‘Hub’ for Horowhenua. This lessens the impact of food wastage on our community and environment, and feeds hungry households.

    Our whakatauki is “Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi’ (“With your basket and my basket the people will thrive”). No one organisation can serve the community alone. We follow a Christian kaupapa with a heart of serving and meeting a need in love.



  • Just Zilch

    Palmerston North

    The team at Just Zilch are on a mission to fight hunger and food waste, by collecting high-quality surplus food destined for landfill and distributing it to those in need. Just Zilch operates New Zealand’s longest-running free store and distributes food to over 140 community groups across the lower North Island.

    Guided by the principles of aroha, generosity and environmental responsibility, Just Zilch supports an average of 345 people every day, who in turn support a further two people in the home – that’s about 1200-1400 people a day.



  • Kaibosh


    Kaibosh was the first food rescue in Aotearoa, and their mission is Zero Food Waste, Zero Food Poverty.

    Kaibosh links the food industry with community groups that support people in need ensuring that quality surplus food reaches those who are struggling rather than being needlessly discarded.

    Kaibosh has three branches in Wellington City, Lower Hutt and Paraparaumu. With the help of a dedicated team of more than 170 volunteers, Kaibosh rescue’s and sorts food seven days a week, redistributing up to 75,000 kg of quality surplus food each month to charities and community groups that support people in need.



  • Kairos Trust


    Beginning in 2018 in an upcycled shipping container, Kairos Food Rescue now works with food suppliers across Canterbury to reduce food waste and supply local food banks.

    Kairos networks with a range of service providers to help people deal with underlying issues so they can get back on their feet. We call it a hand up, not a handout.



  • Kapiti Foodbank


    We provide compassionate support to meet emergency food needs in the Kapiti community.

    Our focus is to help families with children to send them to school with food in their bellies and in their bag.

    We distribute 16 to 20 parcels each day, to large and small families, single people, people living in vehicles. Nobody is turned away empty-handed.



  • Kiwi Community Assistance (KCA)


    Kiwi Community Assistance (KCA) is a Charity Support Distribution Hub.

    They specialise in providing high quality fresh, frozen and non-perishable food, as well as quality new and second-hand household items.KCA operates from the heart of the main food distribution hub in Grenada North, Wellington and has developed strong relationships with a range of producers, wholesalers and distributors.



  • KiwiHarvest

    Auckland, North, South, East, Central, Queenstown, Invercargill, Dunedin

    Feed more, waste less. KiwiHarvest reduces the negative impacts of food waste on our environment by redistributing excess food; helping to create lasting positive social change by nourishing those in need.

    Every month KiwiHarvest rescues more than 200,000kg of good quality surplus food, and diverts this back to people who are struggling across New Zealand.

    KiwiHarvest has hubs in Auckland, Dunedin, Queenstown and Invercargill working with local volunteers and local food businesses.



  • Love Soup

    Hibiscus Coast, Rosedale, Rotorua and Tokoroa, Bay of Plenty

    Love Soup has been serving in communities for over 10 Years. We supply to Auckland, Hibiscus Coast, Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Tokoroa and Rotorua.

    We provide community meals, events, food parcels in HBC, fill Pataka Kai pantries and supply organisations.

    We work in collaboration with many charities which make our services better for all. Collecting & distributing around 500,000 kgs of good food around the North Island. We also rescue, and collect other items such as clothing, toiletries, and toys which are given out at events or shared with other groups.



  • Nelson Environment Centre (Kai Rescue)


    Since 1976, the Nelson Environment Centre has been dedicated to helping Nelson Tasman live more sustainably.

    Kai Rescue prevents good food from going to waste by collaborating with over 55 partner organisations in Nelson Tasman to redistribute food, providing essential support to our community in need.



  • Nourished for Nil

    Hastings and Napier

    Nourished for Nil rescues surplus food that is good enough to eat but no longer good enough to sell and redistribute it within our communities. The team is comprised of committed volunteers with a shared passion for reducing waste and helping the community. In 2023 82,656 families received food from one of Nourished for Nil’s four depot locations.



  • On The House

    New Plymouth

    On The House collects good-quality surplus food that might otherwise have been thrown away from over 40 regular suppliers and redistributes it for free to whoever needs it. We distribute this surplus in two ways: directly to families through regular pop-up free stores held at Community Halls in New Plymouth, and to 12 food banks and over 35 community groups throughout Taranaki to support the work they do. Our over 120 active volunteers, embodied with manaakitanga principles, are helping to distribute over 20,000 kg into our community every month.



  • Poutini Waiora – Te Tai Poutini KAI PUKU

    Te Tai Poutini West Coast

    Te Tai Poutini Kai Puku – West Coast Food Hub is a branch of Poutini Waiora. Kai Puku are a small team with a big vision for food security in our diverse and widespread communities from Westport to Haast.

    Our food hub rescues, receives and distributes kai to Food Banks, Pātaka, Schools and Community organisations along Te Tai Poutini/West Coast.



  • Satisfy Food Rescue

    North Canterbury

    Satisfy Food Rescue redirects the abundance of food in our community to where it is needed most.

    Through partnerships with local food donors with surplus, and community organisations working with people in need; together we prevent food waste while addressing food insecurity. Satisfy’s impact speaks for itself, over 1.2 million kilograms of food rescued and the equivalent of over 3.4 million meals distributed.



  • South Kaipara Good Food

    South Kaipara

    South Kaipara Good Food helps communities within the South Kaipara region address the complex mental and physical issues associated with food insecurity.

    We also provide well-being programmes as part of our goal to build a nourished, safer community.
    More than a foodbank, we provide a safe, judgement-free space, for individuals and their whānau experiencing hardship, and work alongside other agencies in our region to provide wrap-around support and education programmes.



  • Sunday Blessings

    Tāmaki Makaurau Central Auckland

    Sunday Blessings is a kai rescue and distribution service primarily serving our un-housed community in the heart of the city, Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

    Each Sunday we provide around 200 kai packs to our street whānau in a space we have created to connect people in extreme need to other wrap-around services, such as showers, washing services, clothing, haircuts and more.



  • SuperGrans Tairāwhiti

    Tairāwhiti Gisborne

    SuperGrans Tairāwhiti (SGT) is a Non-Government Charitable Trust. We support individuals, whānau, and communities from Wairoa through Turanganui-a-Kiwa to Potikirua on the East Cape.

    SGT is a holistic well-being organisation that offers vital support to whānau who are facing hardship. It is dedicated to empowering whānau to improve their overall well-being by giving a hand-up. Their kaupapa is centred on : Enabling whānau with skills and knowledge to take greater control of their own futures.

    A board of seven Trustees, eight paid employees and 32 volunteers are focused on a range of support: Facilitating cooking sessions and life skills workshops, peer support work, social work, mara kai, food bank, repurposing kai and goods, cyclone recovery, advocating and navigating social service systems, and creating employment strategies.



  • The Food Basket CHB

    Central Hawkes Bay

    Inspired by free stores and food rescues in other parts of the country, The Food Basket CHB opened its doors in 2017. The team approached local supermarkets, food producers and suppliers who stepped up as donors and supporters of our kaupapa.

    A team of fantastic volunteers put their hands up to do the mahi and began by collecting, sorting and redistributing donated food through daily sessions CHB-wide.



  • The Free Store

    Wellington Central

    At The Free Store, we freely redistribute fresh surplus food from Wellington’s eateries directly to those in need of it. Everyone is welcome. We are an inclusive space built on a foundation of belonging, generosity and transformation, where anyone is invited to partake in the bounty of rescued food, and/or get involved volunteering with us.



  • The Hub Te Puke

    Te Puke, Bay of Plenty

    The Hub Te Puke, founded in 2016 by Te Puke residents, focuses on rescuing and redistributing rescued and donated food. Through our Foodbank, we recover food that would otherwise go to waste and provide it to the community, addressing food insecurity. We collaborate with local partners to expand our distribution network, ensuring a broader reach.

    Our dedicated team, many of whom are volunteers, ensures efficient management and equitable distribution of these resources. The Hub Te Puke is committed to creating a supportive, food-secure Te Puke, fostering resilience and connection within our community.



  • The Salvation Army


    The Salvation Army provides food support to around 90,000 whānau annually through 60 centres from Kaitaia to Invercargill. We rescue good quality surplus food to contribute to the support we provide.

    Through our food security framework Te Kai Mākona, we also strengthen food security for whānau and communities including through options to ‘choose kai’, ‘grow kai’, ‘cook kai’, ‘share kai’, ‘buy kai’ and ‘connect through kai’.

    Visit www.salvationarmy.org.nz/food and www.foodbank.org.nz.




  • Waiheke Resources Trust

    Waiheke Island

    Waiheke Resources Trust launched the Kai Conscious project in 2017 to bridge the gap between food waste and hunger on Waiheke Island. We divert good food from landfill into community hands. We also encourage donations of surplus food from growers and home gardeners.

    The kai is redistributed throughout the week, including to our Centre’s community fridge and pantry, by our fabulous rescuers, and volunteers learn waste minimising skills as they cook and socialise at our weekly lunch of rescued kai. We have rescued over 200 tonnes.



  • Waiwaste


    Waiwaste is a food rescue organisation based in the beautiful Wairarapa. Currently servicing from Pahiatua down to Featherston and Martinborough, as well as the surrounding areas, we provide rescued and surplus food to over thirty charitable organisations (and counting).

    We work in close partnership with our donors and recipients, and couldn’t run without our fabulous volunteers!



  • Whakaora Kai Food Rescue Northland

    Whangarei, Taitokerau Northland

    Kai is precious and so is our planet. Whakaora Kai rescue quality food destined for landfill and share it with community organisations across Taitokerau Northland. Since 2017, Whakaora

    Kai has been working hard to tackle hunger and the emissions that come from food waste in Taitokerau Northland.



  • Whanganui Kai Hub


    The mission of the Whanganui Kai Hub is to work towards, and support a Whanganui where no food waste ends up in landfill; and where all people have access to healthy kai; and where kai provides the basis of fostering healthy cohesion within our communities and ultimately resulting in sustainable improvement in social, environmental, and economic outcomes.



Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance is proudly working with Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger CollectiveNew Zealand Food Network and Ministry of Social Development to help build the capacity and capability of foodbanks, food rescue and community food services and prevent further shocks to food security in New Zealand.